Recently I was nominated by Examine This Moment for the Golden Bloggerz Award.
It’s an honour to be nominated for a blogging award. To be recognized in the blogging community, especially as a new blogger, is amazing.
By far one of the best things about blogging is that there is a very supportive community where bloggers support and celebrate each other.
Read on to learn more about “The Golden Bloggerz Award”, me and my blog, and my award nominations.
What Is The Golden Bloggerz Awards?
The Golden Bloggerz Award was created by Chris Kosto from Golden Bloggerz. It was created to motivate and reward all of the amazing bloggers who are working every day to serve their audiences and to recognize them for doing so.

The Golden Bloggerz Awards Rules
- Place the award logo on your blog
- Mention the rules.
- Thank whomever nominated you and place a link to their website.
- Mention the awards creator and add a link to that too.
- Tell your audience three things about you.
- Answer your nominatorโs questions.
- Nominate 10-20 people who deserve this award.
- Let the nominees know by messaging/commenting on their social media or their blog.
- Ask your nominees any five questions that you want.
- Share 2-3 links to your best post
3 Things About Me
- I was born in Essex in the UK, and immigrated to Vancouver, Canada as a Permanent Resident in 2016
- I am a very creative person. I always have lots of craft supplies and multiple creative projects in progress. I get most of my ideas and inspiration from Pinterest
- I could listen to Country music all day every day
5 Questions From Examine This Moment
1- What do you love the most about blogging?
As I’m a really creative person, I love being able to tap into my creativity. I could easily spend all day every day playing in Canva creating graphics and lead magnets etc. For me, it is the funnest aspect of blogging.
2- What is your favourite season and why?
I love that midway point of spring fading into the summer time, when I can go out and about without a jacket but it’s not scorching hot yet. As lovely as the summer time is, I have a fair english rose complexion that burns really easily.
3- What song would you play as a theme for your blog?
As I love country music, I would maybe choose ‘One Way Ticket – Because I Can’ by LeAnne Rimes.
4- Which movie reflects something you have written about?
Such a fun question! One movie that comes to mind is Eat, Pray, Love because it is about leaving everything behind and going overseas. It’s a movie about finding happiness when we feel like the world is crumbling down into a million pieces, and it is the perfect lesson in how to give your life a 360 degree turn.
I have chosen this movie because I left my life in England behind to start again in Canada, and I write about my new life overseas here on the blog.
5- If there was only one thing you could do again what would that be?
Life is about experiences so I would say travelling, specifically I would move overseas again.
My 10 Golden Bloggerz Nominations
Thank you again to Examine This Moment for nominating me.
It is now my turn to continue the nominations. My little blogging network is small but mighty, and these bloggers are all showing up and doing great things.
2. Riyah Speaks
7. Sophia Patel
9. Pour Atlanta
12. Enviroline Blog
Questions for My Golden Bloggerz Nominees
1. How and why did you start your blog?
2. What is your favourite place in the world?
3. What is your guilty pleasure/s?
4. You invited 5 famous people (dead or alive), to have dinner with you. Who is sat at the table with you?
5. What is your life motto or words that you live by?
3 Of My Best Blog Posts
These are my 3 most popular blog posts currently.
7 Top Tips For Working From Home
How To Effectively Network On Social Media
Bond, James Bond: 3 Important Lessons Sean Connery Has Taught Us

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Gemma Lawrence is the creator of This Brits Life. Born and raised in England, she has been living in British Columbia, Canada as a permanent resident since 2016. A solo traveler for the past 9 years, she hopes to inspire and help others to enjoy solo adventures too. As someone who has always struggled with her self-confidence and mental health, she also shares tips and inspirational stories relating to self-love, self-care, and mental health.
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