Since saying yes to the million-dollar experiment in January 2021, I’ve spent a lot of time working on my money mindset and experimenting with ways to generate more money. One of the main things I did was try out positive money affirmations to manifest more money into my life.
In 2021 during that experiment, my income increased by over 40%. I learned a lot about the connections between income and mindset so I’m sharing all my learnings here on the blog. Here are 40 positive money affirmations to help you make more money for your travels.
What is manifesting?
Manifesting basically comes from the law of attraction which has a basic principle that you get back what you put out into the Universe.
When you practice the Law of Attraction, you manifest, or ask the universe, for the things that you want until they come to you. One of the ways to practice this is by using positive affirmations.
What Are Affirmations?
Affirmations are statements, and confirmations. Each of us affirms daily, consciously or unconsciously. The question is, do we affirm what we want or what we don’t desire?
Every affirmation aims to provoke an emotion that has a specific vibration and change the beliefs we have.
Beliefs arise when we repeat something to ourselves every day. In line with that, let our beliefs resonate with the life we want to live, not with the deficiencies we are currently witnessing.
There are general and concrete affirmations. The biggest trap arises when a beginner uses a specific affirmation and fails to convince himself. Create and use affirmations that resonate with you.
40 Positive Money Affirmations
- I love money. Money loves me
- Money flows easily to me.
- I am a money magnet.
- Money is all around me.
- The less I work, the more I earn
- I love money more and more every day.
- Money is freedom.
- Money is always here for me.
- Money always finds its way to me.
- Making money is easy.
- I love money because it helps me live an awesome life.
- I am grateful for money because it gives me what I need.
- Money is a medium of exchange.
- From today, I pay for everything with love.
- Each day I attract and save more and more money.
- It’s not the money that matters but my vibration towards it
- I am open to money coming to me from sources I never imagined.
- Every dollar I spend comes to me multiplied.
- I am in harmony with the energy of money.
- I am energy. Money is energy.
- I am blessed, healthy, successful, and wealthy.
- Money always finds its way to me.
- I make money while I sleep
- I am deserving of a life full of luxury.
- My bank account never stops growing.
- Money comes to me in multiple streams.
- I receive large sums of unexpected money.
- Being wealthy is my birthright.
- To change my financial situation, I have to change my beliefs about money.
- I appreciate the money I have now.
- My bank account is overflowing with money.
- I am wealthy and successful
- I love money and will not give up until I am surrounded by all that I deserve.
- Every day I am becoming richer and richer.
- From today, when I come across something I can’t buy, I’ll say, “I can, but I won’t.
- I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance.
- The more money I spend, the more money I have and receive.
- I embrace new avenues of income.
- Debt is a thing of my past.
- I have more money than I will ever know what to do with.
Even if you’re skeptical about the law of attraction and manifesting (I totally get it if you are!) give these positive money affirmations a try and see what happens. You may just manifest more money into your life like I did.
Read More Money Tips
- 40 Positive Money Affirmations To Manifest More Money For Your Travels
- 9 Ways You Can Invest In Yourself As A Woman
- How To Manifest More Money In 21 Days
- How To Heal Your Money Blocks To Attract More Money
- My Million Dollar Experiment: My Results In 12 Months
- How To Develop an Abundance Mindset
- My Million Dollar Experiment: Progress After 4 Months
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Gemma Lawrence is the creator of This Brits Life. Born and raised in England, she has been living in British Columbia, Canada as a permanent resident since 2016. A solo traveler for the past 9 years, she hopes to inspire and help others to enjoy solo adventures too. As someone who has always struggled with her self-confidence and mental health, she also shares tips and inspirational stories relating to self-love, self-care, and mental health.